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Letter from an addict – alcoholic

I’m an adult addict/alcoholic, I need your help. DON’T lecture, blame, or scold me. You wouldn’t be angry with me for having T.B or diabetes. Addiction and alcoholism is a disease too. DON’T throw away my drugs and alcohol, it’s just a waste because I can always get more. DON’T let me provoke your anger. […]

Court orders – life savers

For years the belief that addicts must “want” to go into treatment held me captive. My husband refused. I felt helpless. I tried crying, begging, keeping silent or screaming at the top of my lungs, nothing I did changed his resolve, he simply refused. I was told that I need to wait for him to […]

Building Relationships and Connections

This end of year holiday period often makes me wonder how some of my interpersonal relationships have gotten to where they are. I didn’t always dislike this many family members did I? Have they always disliked me? A quick disclaimer before we jump right into this, this article suggests that you take responsibility for your […]

How to speak to my addict about going to rehab?

Can you feel in your gut that something is wrong? Have you been playing the detective, trying to find signs, to prove your suspicions?  Perhaps you been running the conversation in your head over and over thinking how to approach the subject? How to get the help so desperately needed?  The family members are often […]

Domestic Violence and Addiction

This Wednesday, the world commemorates the UN Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. As such, we thought it fitting to bring your awareness to the high rates of domestic violence within South Africa. This, coupled with South Africa’s high addiction rates, can lead to miserable and nasty outcomes. Domestic violence occurs in many […]

Coping Skills That Turn Against Me 

From a young age we all find ways to help us cope in a world that can be frightening, painful and at times traumatic. When we are not taught at a young age how to soothe our fears, pain, or anger. We find other ways to cope with those challenging times in life, most of […]

Relationships in Early Recovery

To call my first (and only) time in treatment an eye-opener would be an understatement. As a sheltered and privileged person with a private school background, the stories I heard in group shocked me, while the warnings of counsellors scared me. However, what terrified me the most in treatment was being told that I should […]

The Worst New Year’s Resolutions in Recovery

If you’re wondering why this week’s blog post is not about how to spend New Year’s Eve (NYE) sober or how to survive such a party without relapsing, it’s because you’ve missed out! Check out our two blogs from earlier this month to find our tips and tricks for getting through any occasion without compromising […]

5 Tips For Surviving the Holidays Sober

Ah, December. It’s that time of year again. The Christmas cheer is in the air and mouths are watering at the possibilities that the New Year will usher in (or if you’re anything like me, watering at the prospects of holiday-time feasts). Hopefully by now you’ve used last week’s blog post to help you navigate […]

5 Tips For Staying Sober at Your Year End Party

I’m sure I’m not the only person who felt that in some ways this year has been a blessing in disguise. Getting to wear comfy pants all day, being able to reflect and reassess on where my life is at and not getting invited to as many events where people would be getting sloshed all […]